Chiara started the topic Medipal wipes damaging clinical equipment in the forum Environment, Equipment & Products 9 hours, 4 minutes ago
Good morning all,
Recently I was asked by the clinical engineer team to review the chemicals used for cleaning the clinical equipment as a lot of expensive equipment reported serious damages. The staff used mostly Medipal disinfectant wipes for everything and Chlorine based products for infectious patients.
Did anyone have the same experience?…[
Maureen Curley replied to the topic New HIQA COVID 19 assessment in the forum
Guidelines, Standards and Protocols 4 years, 6 months ago
Dear All,
I agree with Alison & Tracy’s position on this. Hospitals are trying to minimise movement into each facility & between internal departments, patients are unable to see their families, staff are enduring difficult restrictions which impact their working day… not able to use canteens, not able to mix with staff from other depa…[Read more]
Maureen Curley started the topic PPE & endoscopic OGDs in the forum
Environment, Equipment & Products 4 years, 6 months ago
Hi All,
I have a query re OGD procedures;
Are any endoscopy units testing their OGD patients for covid-19 prior to their OGD and are endoscopy units considering OGDs as aerosol generating procedures and selecting PPE accordingly, i.e FFP masks.
The guidance is a little contradictory in that OGDs are not definitively recognised as AGPs but a p…[Read more]
Maureen Curley started the topic Mattress evaluation tool in the forum
Environment, Equipment & Products 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi All,
Does anyone have an tool/ template for evaluating mattresses from an IPC perspective prior to purchase.
many thanks
Maureen -
Maureen Curley replied to the topic Bed pan washers in the forum
Environment, Equipment & Products 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi Kay,
We have been using Manepa bedpan washers for a number of years and havent had any major issues. Usually when they cause problems it is due to user misuse rather than the machine. Are the bedpan washers fitted with detergent & descaler? This may be a reason for not cleaning the bedpans properly?best wishes
Maureen -
Maureen Curley replied to the topic Bed pan washers in the forum
Environment, Equipment & Products 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi Kay,
We have been using Manepa bedpan washers for a number of years and havent had any major issues. Usually when they cause problems it is due to user misuse rather than the machine. Are the bedpan washers fitted with detergent & descaler? This may be a reason for not cleaning the bedpans properly?best wishes
Maureen -
Maureen Curley replied to the topic air sampling following HEPA filter change in the forum
Miscellaneous 7 years, 5 months ago
Hi Ruth,
Many thanks for your reply.The primary filters are inspected and changed more frequently….months as opposed to years as with the HEPA filters.
best wishes
Maureen -
Maureen Curley replied to the topic air sampling following HEPA filter change in the forum
Miscellaneous 7 years, 5 months ago
Thanks Cathy & Anne for your replies,
My gut says to air sample as an extra marker of the quality of the ventilation system but I expect our microbiologist will also recommend that air sampling is not required.
many thanks
Maureen -
Maureen Curley started the topic air sampling following HEPA filter change in the forum
Miscellaneous 7 years, 5 months ago
Hi Everyone,
Is it a requirement to air sample theatres following HEPA filter change? The guidance documents I`ve looked at ( HTMs & ” commissioning & monitoring theatres) don’t advise air sampling following “routine filter” change so is change of HEPA filters considered routine or not considering they are only changed every 5 years or so? -
Maureen Curley replied to the topic Mrsa Protocals in the forum
Miscellaneous 7 years, 5 months ago
Hi Fiona,
We don’t use CX powder either….chlorhexidine/ skinisan ( pharmacy choice) antiseptic washes & nasal mupiricin.
Maureen -
Maureen Curley replied to the topic Mrsa Protocals in the forum
Miscellaneous 7 years, 5 months ago
Hi Fiona,
We don’t use CX powder either….chlorhexidine/ skinisan ( pharmacy choice) antiseptic washes & nasal mupiricin.
Maureen -
Maureen Curley posted an update in the group
Environment, Equipment & Products 8 years, 6 months ago
Hi Everyone,
I would appreciate it if you could let me know what protocols are put in place when the bedpan washer disinfector is out of action and awaiting repair.
Disposable bedpan/urinals are an option but the issue of disposal of human waste creates further problems. Manual sluicing is not recommended so are hospitals using gelling agents…[Read more]